
We Fuel Growing Bodies with Wholesome Foods

Nutritional needs

At our facility, we believe that proper nutrition is the foundation of a child’s growth and development. Our commitment to providing wholesome foods ensures every child receives the nourishment needed to thrive. Here’s how we make nutrition a top priority:

On-site Cook Preparing Fresh, Nutritious Meals Daily At Paramus Day Care in Paramus, NJ, we’ve had countless conversations with parents about what matters most when choosing child care. 

On-site Cook Preparing Fresh, Nutritious Meals Daily

Our on-site cook meticulously prepares fresh meals every day, ensuring that children are served food that is not only nutritious but also delicious. By focusing on fresh ingredients, we provide meals rich in essential vitamins and minerals, supporting our young learners’ physical and cognitive development.

Balanced Menus:

We create balanced menus that include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy, ensuring children receive all the necessary nutrients for their growth and development. We meticulously arrange our meals to adhere to dietary  guidelines and accommodate allergies or special nutritional needs.

Locally Sourced Ingredients:

Whenever possible, we source our ingredients locally. This practice supports local farmers and businesses and guarantees the freshness and superior quality of the food served Seasonal produce is a staple in our menus, providing children with the freshest and most flavorful meals.

Cultural Variety:

Our meal plans incorporate a variety of cultural dishes, introducing children to a diverse range of flavors and food traditions. This exposure broadens their palates and fosters an appreciation for different cultures and cuisines.

Safe and Hygienic Preparation:

We strictly enforce safety and hygiene in our kitchen. standards. The on-site cook is trained in food safety protocols to ensure that meals are prepared and served in a clean and safe environment. Regular kitchen inspections and staff training sessions help maintain our high standards.

Engaging Mealtime Experience:

Mealtimes are designed to be a positive and engaging experience for children. We encourage family-style dining, where children serve themselves and practice social skills such as sharing and conversation. Our staff members join the children during meals, modeling healthy eating habits and table manners.

Providing fresh, nutritious meals daily ensures that children have the energy and nutrients they need to learn, play, and grow. Our food program’s commitment to quality and variety demonstrates our commitment to the general welfare of every child in our care.

Menus Designed by a Registered Dietitian

Our menus are meticulously crafted by a registered dietitian to guarantee that our meals meet the highest nutritional standards. This professional oversight ensures that each meal is balanced, providing the right mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and essential nutrients. Our dietitian also stays up-to-date with the latest research in childhood nutrition to continually improve our offerings.

Accommodation of Dietary Restrictions and Allergies

We understand that every child is unique, including their dietary needs. Our kitchen staff is trained to take into account a range of dietary needs and sensitivities, guaranteeing that everyone children can enjoy safe, healthy meals. Parents can rest easy knowing their child’s needs are met with care and attention.

Introduction of Diverse Foods to Expand Palates

Introducing children to various foods is essential for expanding their palates and encouraging healthy eating habits. Our menus include diverse options from different cuisines, helping children develop a taste for a wide range of flavors and textures. This makes mealtime exciting and helps foster a lifelong appreciation for nutritious foods.

Family-style Dining to Encourage Social Skills and Independence

Mealtime at our facility is more than just eating; it’s an opportunity for learning and social interaction. We practice family-style dining, where children serve themselves and share meals. This approach encourages social skills, such as sharing and communicating, and fosters a sense of independence as children learn to serve themselves and make choices about their food.

Nutrition Education Incorporated into Curriculum

Recognizing the significance of diet is essential to fostering lifelong healthy habits. That’s why nutrition education is an integral part of our curriculum. Children learn about Recognizing the significance of diet is essential to These lessons are woven into fun, engaging activities that make learning about nutrition enjoyable and memorable.


Our facility is dedicated to fueling growing bodies with wholesome foods. We ensure that every child receives the best possible nourishment through freshly prepared meals, dietitian-designed menus, accommodation of dietary needs, diverse food options, family-style dining, and integrated nutrition education. By prioritizing nutrition, we are supporting physical health and laying the foundation for lifelong healthy habits and a bright future.



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