
Cleanliness: A Clean Environment is Crucial for Health and Shows Respect for Children and Families


In any setting where children are cared for, cleanliness isn’t just a matter of aesthetics—it’s a cornerstone of safety and well-being. The likelihood of disease is lower in a clean environment, and demonstrates a deep respect for the children and families we serve. Our facility prioritizes cleanliness with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a safe and welcoming space for every child.

Join us at Paramus Preschool, where we’re dedicated to nurturing the minds and characters of children through our high-quality preschool programs. Reach out to us at (201) 500-2951 to discover how we can support your child’s development.

Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting

Our dedicated cleaning staff thoroughly cleans and disinfects our space daily to keep it as hygienic as possible. This cleaning starts early in the morning before the children arrive and continues throughout the day. We focus on high-touch areas like door handles, light switches, handrails, and play equipment, cleaning and disinfecting them several times to eliminate germs.

Toys are washed and sanitized every day. We use safe, non-toxic disinfectants to ensure all play items are free from harmful germs. Soft toys and plush items are washed regularly, while hard toys are disinfected with unique solutions that are both effective and safe.

We also clean other germ-prone areas like sinks, countertops, and changing tables. Floors are swept and mopped with disinfectant to keep every part of the space clean. This daily cleaning routine helps prevent the spread of illnesses and ensures a safe and healthy environment for the children. Sticking to a strict cleaning schedule supports the children’s health and gives their families peace of mind, knowing their kids are in a clean and secure place.

Professional Deep Cleaning Weekly

In addition to our rigorous daily cleaning routine, we implement a comprehensive professional deep cleaning process every week to ensure an exceptionally hygienic environment. This deep cleaning involves using advanced, specialized equipment and powerful cleaning agents designed to tackle areas that routine cleaning might not fully address.

Our deep cleaning protocol includes:

  • Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: We use powerful carpet cleaners and steam machines to remove dirt, allergens, and stains from carpets and furniture. This makes these surfaces look and feel fresh and helps eliminate germs and dust mites.
  • Vent and Air Duct Sanitization: We clean air vents and ducts thoroughly to make the air inside cleaner. This removes dust, pollen, and other contaminants, helping prevent respiratory problems for children and staff.
  • Corner and Edge Cleaning: We pay special attention to corners, edges, and hard-to-reach spots where dust can collect. We make sure these areas are entirely sanitized using special tools and cleaners.
  • High-Touch Surface Disinfection: Besides daily cleaning, we deep clean high-touch surfaces using industrial solid cleaners. This ensures that these surfaces are clean and free from any remaining germs or viruses.
  • Restroom Sanitation: Restrooms are subjected to a rigorous cleaning process, including the disinfection of all fixtures, surfaces, and floors. We use solid and hospital-grade disinfectants to ensure that these critical areas are sanitary and hygienic.

Immediate Attention to Spills and Messes

Spills and messes are inevitable, but our response is swift and effective. When a spill or accident occurs, our trained staff promptly address the situation to minimize risks and maintain a safe environment for the children. This includes:

  • Quick Cleanup: Our staff has the right cleaning tools to deal with spills immediately. We utilize mild cleaning agents that are both safe and effective kids and the environment.
  • Preventing Accidents: We clean up spills fast to stop slips and falls and to keep germs from spreading. We make sure all surfaces are cleaned well.
  • Regular Checks: We inspect the facility often to find and fix any potential dangers before they become problems. This helps keep the area safe all the time.
  • Staff Training: Our staff is trained to handle spills and clean up properly. We follow strict rules to manage accidents without disrupting the kids’ activities.

Hand Washing Stations in Every Room

Hand hygiene is a cornerstone of our commitment to cleanliness and health. We have installed hand washing stations in every room to promote frequent and thorough hand washing. These stations are equipped with:

  • Soap and Water: Each hand washing station has good-quality, kid-friendly soap that’s gentle on the skin but great at getting rid of germs. We stress the importance of washing hands with soap and water to prevent sickness.
  • Hand Sanitizers: We also provide hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol at each station. This is a handy option when soap and water aren’t available.
  • Reminders and Learning: We put up signs by each station to remind kids and staff to wash their hands often. We also include lessons and activities about how to wash hands properly and why it’s essential.
  • Easy to Use: The stations are designed so kids of all ages can reach them easily, with dispensers and sinks that fit different heights and needs.
  • Regular Checks: We regularly check and refill the stations to ensure they’re always stocked and working well. Our staff is trained to fix any problems quickly.

Strict Sick Child Policy

We have a strict sick child policy to keep all the kids healthy. This helps stop the spread of illness and keeps our environment safe. Here’s how it works:

  • Watch for Symptoms: If a child has symptoms like a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or a bad cough, they must stay home until they’re entirely better. This includes any signs of illness or changes in behavior that might mean they’re not well.
  • Doctor’s Note: If a child has been sick, we might ask for a doctor’s note before they come back. This ensures they’re not contagious and can join in activities safely.
  • Inform Us: Parents need to inform us immediately if their child is sick and won’t be coming. This helps us keep track of any potential outbreaks quickly.
  • Return Rules: Children can return only if they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours without medicine or have a doctor’s approval.
  • Extra Cleaning: When illnesses are reported, we thoroughly clean and disinfect all the surfaces and toys to prevent germs from spreading.
  • Communication: We inform parents about why keeping sick kids home is essential and when it’s okay for them to return. Clear communication helps everyone follow the policy.

Regular Inspections by the Local Health Department

We take cleanliness seriously and have regular checks by the local health department to ensure we follow all health and safety rules. These inspections involve our cleaning practices, safety measures, and overall hygiene. By doing these checks often, we show that we’re committed to keeping a clean and safe place for kids. It also gives parents peace of mind, knowing we meet or go beyond the highest standards of care.


Cleanliness is not just about maintaining a tidy environment; it’s about fostering a healthy and respectful space for children and their families. Through daily cleaning routines, weekly deep cleaning, immediate spill response, hand hygiene practices, a strict sick child policy, and regular health inspections, we ensure that our facility remains a haven for every child who walks through our doors. By prioritizing cleanliness, we honor the trust placed in us by families and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.



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